Yoga Program

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The Yoga Journey is the Trip of Your Life!

A man and woman doing yoga exercise with their arms stretch upwards and half-kneeling

The truth is, regardless of where you start, the yoga practice promotes greater elasticity and strength that will continue to improve your overall body mobility. More so, the partnership of breath to movement ignites a new level of energy, quiets the busy mind and relieves stress that you may have thought impossible to release. And not just during the practice but most importantly, throughout your life.

Whether you have just been idle or you avidly play sports, yoga is just what you need. For athletes, it helps to remedy the asymmetry that often develops and provides improved range of motion. For those who have not been active for a while, the yoga journey will help you let go of the “can’t do” attitude and enable you to trust your body and let go of self judgement. Yoga Holmes focuses on the power of your individual journey. You are free to move at your own pace and without any deadline. And with the aid of our guidance and the ability to replay, review and practice any of the videos in our library, it is like having a personal session whenever you want. Best of all, this practice will improve your agility and calm your mind one pose at a time.

Yoga Holmes invites you to exceed yourself. Rekindle your inner fire and let go of anything that tries to stop you, take back your strength and your flexibility. View each day with a beginner’s mind and experience all that opens to you.

Our classes bring Balance to not only your physical wellness, but Everything in between.


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Beginner Yogi’s

Congratulations! This is the unveiling of your most incredible self. Let go of any doubts that may pass through your mind that you cannot do this yoga thing. Allow your yoga practice to be a safe space from negative thoughts and just like yogis that have practiced for years, practice with a beginner’s mind. See every struggle or tumble as a great opportunity for growth. Remember, it’s yoga practice not yoga perfect! We suggest you start with Yin practices to open your body, discover your breath and find calm. These will aid you in releasing stiffness in the body. Another great start are our all-levels Vinyasa practices. They move just a little slower and also offer modifications of standard poses.

Yoga Holmes promotes the use of props (such as yoga blocks, straps and even pillows) to help aid your practice as they are the key to strength and safe flexibility. And our most powerful advice is to be patient. Remember this is a lifelong journey. The result of impatience is injury and the ability to listen and trust your body’s messages with patience will get you there safely and quicker if you do not have to suffer with injuries.​

Intermediate Yogi’s

Intermediate yoga practices will invite greater depth in postures and more opportunities for arm balances. Intermediate power vinyasa practices will move at a quicker pace. It is expected that you understand how to synchronize your breath with movement and the transitions between poses. Your upper body strength will grow as will proprioception (the ability of parts of the body to sense their position and relationship relative to other nearby parts of the body). Your overall balance in space increases, as does your agility to move through poses with confidence.

This is where you build endurance as well as hone in on building comfort working on more challenging postures including arm balances, single-leg balances and deeper flexibility options. You always have the choice to step back from poses you are unfamiliar with or not confident that you are ready to try. As an intermediate-level yoga practitioner you are also not confined to only Intermediate-level classes as you are always welcome to add complexity to any video you choose and often more advanced variations are optionally suggested into our all-levels classes. Enjoy your journey!



Intermediate Yogi’s

Intermediate yoga practices will invite greater depth in postures and more opportunities for arm balances. Intermediate power vinyasa practices will move at a quicker pace. It is expected that you understand how to synchronize your breath with movement and the transitions between poses. Your upper body strength will grow as will proprioception (the ability of parts of the body to sense their position and relationship relative to other nearby parts of the body). Your overall balance in space increases, as does your agility to move through poses with confidence.

This is where you build endurance as well as hone in on building comfort working on more challenging postures including arm balances, single-leg balances and deeper flexibility options. You always have the choice to step back from poses you are unfamiliar with or not confident that you are ready to try. As an intermediate-level yoga practitioner you are also not confined to only Intermediate-level classes as you are always welcome to add complexity to any video you choose and often more advanced variations are optionally suggested into our all-levels classes. Enjoy your journey!


Female in a yoga pose with head bent alsmost touching the feet

Advanced Yogi’s

Yoga Holmes’ advanced yoga practices lead you to safe strength building, deeper flexibility, binds and many more advanced-level arm balances as well as advanced transitions in and out of the poses. You will find the opportunity to build your strength transitioning from one arm balance to another to another. If you have a solid handstand, you are invited to lengthen the holds and gracefully move into the next pose. These classes, done again and again, will help you to increase your calm and concentration in the poses as well as build confidence to do them in any environment.

You will find opportunities in these practices for handstands (adho mukha vrksasana), forearm stands (pinchu mayurasana), crow (Bakasana) variations such as one-legged crow (eka pada bakasana), standing balance binds such as reversed bird of paradise (parivrtta svarga dvijasana) and many more.

If you have accomplished handstands against a wall and are comfortable kicking up and escaping safely when balance is lost and the same with forearm stands, this a a great practice for you. If you are comfortable in your crow and side crows and have a strong sense of balance in one-legged poses, we suggest you watch and listen and with great care to invite the beginning stages of these more advanced asanas. Step by step and day by day with no rush to get to any pose is the best and safest way to build your strength and confidence.

Start Your Yoga Journey With Us Today

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See What Each Class Entails

With a multitude of online yoga classes for you to choose from,
check out all our different yoga courses including Vinyasa, Yin, Baptiste and more.