Baptiste Yoga Online Classes

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Start your journey with Baptiste yoga online today

If you’re ready to start your journey into power, our virtual yoga classes are the perfect entry point. Baptiste yoga is built on a strong foundation of physical and mental practices, guiding you through the five pillars that shape the Baptiste methodology: Drishti (gaze), Ujjayi (breath), Bandhas (energetic locks), Tapas (heat) and Vinyasa (flow). With our structured program, you’ll be guided through the five pillars that underpin Baptiste methodology, gaining insights into your practice and advancing your technique. 

Gain valuable insights into your yoga practice and continuously advance your technique, all from the comfort of your own home. Practice Baptiste Yoga class online with us today.


Baptiste Yoga classes online

Baptiste yoga classes are rigorous power practices that blend the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga into a transformative flow. Baron Baptiste’s Journey into Power is the basis of this strong flow of 53 foundational postures divided into 11 sections, with each preparing the body and mind for the next pose.

The beauty of Baptiste Yoga classes online lies in its adaptability. While the Journey into Power sequence is the core framework, it’s not a rigid practice. Through the introspective nature of this power vinyasa practice, Greg and Susan invite a unique idea or thought that threads through each practice and encourages us to aspire to a deep physical and mindful blossoming of what is possible not only in your practice but more so throughout your life.

The five pillars of Baptiste Yoga

Baptiste yoga is supported by five key pillars that guide the body, mind, and spirit through the practice:

  • Drishti (gaze) — Focused vision to help you stay grounded and present.
  • Ujjayi (breath) —  A deep, rhythmic breathing technique to energize the body and calm the mind.
  • Bandhas (energetic locks) — Physical and energetic engagement to create stability and control.
  • Tapas (heat) — Generating internal heat to build strength and facilitate detoxification.
  • Vinyasa (flow) — The continuous movement that links breath with each pose, creating a dynamic and powerful practice.

In our Baptiste Power Yoga online classes, we guide the body, mind and spirit through this challenging vinyasa series. Unlike set sequence practices, the Journey into Power flow encourages a variety of asana.

Join our all-levels Baptiste Yoga classes online

Our Baptiste power yoga online classes are accessible to everyone, regardless of experience. Whether you have recently started yoga and have a basic understanding of vinyasa or are an advanced practitioner, Baptiste Yoga meets you where you are in your practice. Beginners will learn the fundamentals of power vinyasa while more advanced yogis can explore deeper variations of postures and fine-tune their technique. 

Take our online Baptiste Yoga classes for a journey of self-discovery. Push your boundaries and grow in both your physical practice and mental awareness. In addition to Baptiste yoga, explore our other online classes, including Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Partner Yoga.

Join us at any of our many online Baptiste yoga classes provided on Yoga Holmes TV or join us for our live classes at one of the Las Vegas, NV TruFusion Studios or at our next Yoga Retreat.

Explore Baptiste Classes

Two yoga students with one-leg standing and the other leg stretch in front

Give Up What You Must

Spark Your Energy

Couple yoga pose with the man arching its back while woman is holding is arms

Just Enough

Step Up To Your Edge

Step Up to Your Edge


How hot is Baptiste Power Yoga?

Heat is used in our Baptiste Yoga class online to loosen up muscles, making them more malleable, and encouraging practitioners to focus on their Drishti (gaze) and Ujjayi (breath) to focus through the heat and challenging aspects of a virtual yoga class. The ideal temperature for a Baptiste power yoga online class is between 90 and 95 degrees. 

While practicing in a heated environment is ideal for Baptiste Yoga, it’s not mandatory. You can still enjoy the benefits of the practice without added heat, but if possible, try to practice in a warm room to replicate the traditional experience.

Do I need any special equipment for Baptiste yoga class online?

You don’t need much beyond a yoga mat. However, blocks, straps, and a towel can be helpful for added support during challenging poses. A bottle of water is essential to stay hydrated, especially if you’re practicing in a heated environment.

Is Baptiste power yoga difficult?

While Baptiste Power Yoga is designed to be challenging but also easily adaptable to yogis of all levels. For those who love a challenge, our Baptiste yoga classes online offers a satisfying and varied practice.

What are the themes of Baptiste Yoga?

Baptiste Yoga is focused on power, hardening heat, and focusing energy. The three main themes of Baptiste methodology are the physical aspect (asana), the aspect of meditation or contemplation (dhyana), and the aspect of positive duties and observances (niyama).

Which poses are included in Baptiste Yoga?

There are 53 foundational poses that make up the Baptiste Yoga practice. These are further divided into 11 sections. Each section prepares the body and mind for the next pose, creating a strong sense of flow throughout virtual yoga classes.

How long are the Baptiste Yoga classes online?

Our online Baptiste Yoga classes typically last between 60 and 75 minutes. This allows enough time to move through the full Journey into Power sequence, which includes 53 postures that challenge both your body and mind.